Thursday, September 20, 2007

COR 120 Work in Progress

Just to keep folks up to date where we're going with COR 120....

The last entry in this blog noted the texts we've selected for next semester. Betsy has arranged for these to be arriving (we hope!) around our October 15th division meeting date.

In COR 120, we'll all be able to configure each module more personally; while there will be an assignment at the end of each module that all of us will share in common, we're trying to build in an additional "track" focusing on more personal visions of community for students and instructors to personalize within each module. In addition, while each module with have a bloc of readings keyed to that module's major questions, getting from A to B within that module will be more completely in the hands of the individual faculty members this time around. And we're building in more opportunities, by limiting the quantity of assigned readings and creating more space in the class schedule, for faculty to introduce materials or examples of their own, in tune with their own interests.

Note that you'll have to do this via materials that you can provide, or the students can obtain, without additional expenditures or logistical commitments by the bookstore or the division--we're talking library, online and personal collections, for instance. Given the nature of the material we are focusing on, this should not pose any real difficulty.

As we roll this out next month, you'll have ample time to investigate the texts, design some assignments, and figure out how you want to customize your approach to community. While we'll be focusing everyone on some "cornerstone" issues in community, you'll be tasked with adding additional depth to the class by bringing in other issues and concerns involving the definition, structure, and interaction of communities.

We'll have more soon!

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